New animation, now up on Newgrounds! HUNT is the story of two brothers, with very different ways of thinking who set out on a journey to hunt down the ultimate prey. I made this together with 4 of my fellow students for our final media studies exam (and we haven't even had about animation in school). It took 4 months to complete, and a lot of hard work went into it. Like a lot. Though I'll spare you the story of how my computer crashed and deleted a month worth of animation.
Right now the YouTube version and the Newgrounds version of this animation are competing for views, only being about 30 apart. Which one should win? I think you know the answer.
So go watch this new animation if you haven't already!
Newgrounds version YouTube version
Sharing, liking, commenting and subscribing/following is all much appriciated
Now I have to front page it ahead of schedule!
Oh now, sorry if I pushed it. The NATA entries need their room as well after all. I know that Newgrounds will stand victorious every time anyhow!