Tales of Zale is the story of a young fox named Zale, and his best friend, the barn owl Elva, as they explore a world in which humans are long gone. Along the way they will meet many other animals; some with good intentions, others not so much.
3 years after the pilot episode's release, Tales of Zale is finally coming back. With a new look and lots of work and passion put into this project I look forward to releasing the very first episode this January 29th onto YouTube, and to Newgrounds soon enough as well. Today I released the trailer, so do check it out:
Ohhh, and towards the end I'll be showing off some cool fan art! So do keep your eyes peeled for that as well. Additions are always welcome though. I thought I'd remember to mention that to this awesome creative community.
See you soon!
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Website: www.sifps.dk
Fuck yeah. I'm stoked to see how this turns out. Keep up the great work.