Animator & director. Creator of #TalesofZale. Graduate from The Animation Workshop.

Sif Perlt Savery @Hikarian

Age 29, Female


Joined on 3/18/09

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Hikarian's News

Posted by Hikarian - April 24th, 2013

Guten Tag, people of the New Grounds!

I guess it hasn't been that long this time around, but following the tradition I thought I might just make a little post about my most recent animation. I wasn't quite expecting to be entering NATA this year, but I guess I ended up doing so anyways, which resulted in Blume. For those who don't know, "Blume" means flower in German. I didn't really know that back when I chose that as a working title (just thought it was a nice combination of letters), but I guess it fits.

I ended up working much more on this than I had first intended, but it was a very nice expirence in which I was done about a week before the deadline. So I just kinda sat with it a few days and worked out a few kinks. All in all it wasn't as stressful as I had first thought these 25 days would be.

So yeah... In other unrelated news, I made a Journey animation a while back, after finally playing the game for the first time. I might just upload that soon. At least to youtube for now.

Also, for those who do not know yet I "recently" got on Tumblr - so feel free to stop by there if you feel like it.

Well, that's about it! I'll see ya around ~

Have a nice day

Posted by Hikarian - April 5th, 2013

Well met, people of the New Grounds!

About 4 days ago the open round of the Newgrounds Annual Tournament of Animation began. I always think it's fun to take up the challenge of creating an animation from scratch in the matter of 3 weeks, and so I've decided to enter again this year.

For the script I've written I am going to need one female voice actor as the storyteller, preferably with a medium/light voice. This voice actor will (as an adult) be presenting the story, and to a degree act in it as a smaller girl.

So, audition is up, feel very free to leave a VA demo reel here or send me a pm if you believe you are up for the task. Time is of course of the essence, so I am going to be choosing someone within the upcoming week. The script is ready, further details will follow, once I've found the voice actor.

Thank you and have a good day :)

Female voice actor needed!

Posted by Hikarian - March 12th, 2013

Hello, people of the New Grounds - how are ya?

Thought I'd just throw together a quick update since I just recently published a new animation. Some of you might have seen it, it was on the front page for like... 4 hours or something (EDIT: back on FP for now, thanks to Tom). The animation is called Matchmaker, and served as kind of a brain storm for an idea for a series. Sometimes it's easier just to get animating rather than sketching and writing down. Anyways, I don't think I'm gonna pursue this idea for now for various reasons.
Lots of exciting stuff happening at the moment. I've had quite a few balls in the air recently, and things finally seem to be coming together very nicely. Hoping to be able to talk about it further, when things become more clear, which brings me to another note; I've recently gotten somewhat active on Twitter and Tumblr, so feel free follow me on either of those. I update a bit and share lots of awesome animations!

Well, that should be enough advertisement for now. Looking forward to publishing my next animation soon. Until next time!

Posted by Hikarian - December 23rd, 2012

Greetings, people of the New Grounds!

I bring happy holiday wishes and updates of the good kind. Quite a few things have happened since my last news post. I'll try to keep it as "short and simple" as possible though:

"Don't Look Back"...
..is an animation that I recently made for the Nooni Media Animation Extravaganza competition finals. It was an epic all out fight between the 4 animators that were left. We all had about four weeks to come up with an animation to the theme "don't look back". Now, I had a good 15% bonus from an extra round, so I decided to take a few chances... and so the animation ended up getting really annoying to make --GWAAHHH!! TOO MANY RUN CYCLES!!
Ahem... Anyways, basically Brewster's score was 1% higher than mine, so if it hadn't been for the extra round bonus he would've won with his "Caution is Key" animation. But he didn't.
I also won in 4/5 overall judging categories. First time I've ever really made any significant money off of my animations, so I'm very happy with that. Thinking about investing in a more... mobile pen tablet with the money, so that I don't have to go through the pain of setting up my Cintiq every time I travel around.

...is an awesome YouTube channel of science and creativity. A while ago I sent a link to my animation, "Dreaming High" to their BiDiPi channel to see if they would show it. I was quite surprised to find it on BiDiPi on their Vsauce2 channel, which meant that a lot of people got to see it. It has also given my YouTube channel quite a boost.

Aaaand I made a quick Christmas animation! I find it a little too short to upload on Newgrounds, but you can see it here none the less:

Well, that's just about it. See ya around, everyone!

- YouTube
- Twitter
- Website

Posted by Hikarian - November 12th, 2012

Greetings, people of the Newgrounds!

It is once again time for some kind of update:

A few days ago I finished up my newest entry for the "Nooni Media Animation Extravaganza"-tournament, called "Dreaming High". As usual I had 3 weeks to come up with an animation, this time to the theme "long distance", and I chose to go with a "distance between dream and reality"-kind of thing. I don't think that I've ever had so much fun making an animation. I was quite fortunate. The first 4 days of the round was holidays, so I had a little extra time to work on the beginning. From there a time-consuming school project began, but luckily I was able to finish early, and so the last 3 days of the production my teacher actually ALLOWED me to animate in school - all day! It was also a lot of fun to show the process of animating to my classmates and hear their thoughts on the product.

All in all I felt like I ended up with an awesome animation, so it made me a little sad to see that it did so poorly here on NG, where as to a short like J&J which I didn't put quite as much heart into, and didn't have any actual plot is currently my highest rated video.

I know that my kind of animations may not be for the majority of Newgrounders, since parodies and randomness seems to be where it's at. I enjoy those kinds of animations as much as the next guy, but I do wish that there were a little more room for animations of a different genre at times...
I love animating and telling stories, but what's the point if no one listens? If anyone out there enjoys my animations, I only ask that you consider subscribing to my YouTube channel and perhaps help me share my videos. If you'd like.

The last round of NMAE is closing in. After that I have a ton of projects that I want to try animating.

I am also currently working on producing a series for Danish Television, so that's kind of exciting as well! Wont spoil too much before I have more details though!

Stay tuned and have a good day :)

Posted by Hikarian - October 20th, 2012

Hello there, everyone!

So - I've grown quite accustomed to making a news post every time I start a new project, usually because I'm in the need of voice actors. This time however, I'm going to do things a little differently.

First of all - for those who don't already know - it's been about two months since I decided to enter NMAE, which is an animation tournament much like NATA, which has just ended. I find that I learn a lot from competitions, and the deadlines help me being more productive. Otherwise I would just end up spending a whole year on a singe project, like with the TOZ pilot I published at the beginning of this year.

Anyways, I started out simple with making a horror movie trailer-thing called "The Door" and then quickly moved on to "Jack and Jones: Sweet and Sour". They were both received very well here on Newgrounds, and honestly it's the first time I've ever scored over 4.00 (my last record being 3.99). People have been very supportive, and the voice actors who have helped me with these last two projects have been absolutely amazing.
That, however, is also why I want to do try something new - or rather old - this time around by making a very simple animation, focusing on the atmosphere and visual expression... I just hope that it'll work. I feel like I've learned enough about my software to take a few chances. Wish me luck!

Oh - and I made a short animation for the NMAE extra round. We had one day to animate a coin flip...

A little teaser for the upcoming animation:

Posted by Hikarian - September 21st, 2012

The chosen voice actors have been noticed.

Hello there, everyone!

Let's make this quick:
As some of you may have noticed, I recently decided to compete in an animation tournament called NMAE. I was able to make it to the next round with my latest animation, "The Door", which was my take on a classic horror trailer.
Now, I've been thinking about what I want from this tournament, and I've decided that I wish to explore some different genres. The last genre was horror, but this time I want to try making something Film Noir-inspired since I've just had about it in school, and I wish to experiment with stepping out of my comfort zone.

Sooooo, once again, I'll need to call upon the voices of Newgrounds! There's a little more dialogue in this animation than in The Door, but other than that, it's a pretty simple storyline. The voices I'll need are:

Miss Goodwin:
Woman in her late twenties. Blond hair and a red dress. She is the temptress.
Voice type: female: Medium

An old detective that takes his job way too seriously. His voice may be a little raspy from smoking too many cigarettes. Age: 40-50
Voice type: male: medium-deep

Jones' "side kick". A young man in his twenties, who drank his sense of justice away long ago.
Voice type: male: light-medium

The Twins:
A couple of girls that Jack flirts with. Same voice actor for both of them.
Voice type: female: light

So, just like last time, leave a comment (or pm me) with a link to your demo reel. Remember to mention which character you would be interested in voicing.

The deadline for this round is October 11th. I'll need the voices as soon as possible.Feel free to pm me for further questions.

Thank you for your time!

Voice actors needed - Fast!

Posted by Hikarian - September 7th, 2012

Hellooo there, everyone!

So - today's my birthday, first of all, and I've been waiting all week to publish my new animation on this exact date. Just cause I though it would be fun to upload something on my birthday.

This project is just a little thing I did in two weeks for the animation tournament NMAE, but it's also the first real thing I've published, made in TVPaint animation. Right now, I'm working on uploading it as a movie file to newgrounds, but I'm having a bit of trouble (when I try to preview it, it just doesn't want to play...), so until I figure that one out, you'll have to make do with the Youtube version. While you're there, if you like my animations and wish to support them, feel very free to subscribe and leave a like. I get so happy each time I see that a new subscriber has joined.

There's also some other good news! I was to a meeting earlier today, and it seems like Tales of Zale might just become a series on television at some point. We'll see. It'll be a couple of years anyways, but no matter what, I'll be the one working on it, and I'll keep the rights to do with it whatever I want... Such as translating it back into English and publish it etc.
So, I guess that's pretty exciting.

I'm working on a few other projects in the meanwhile, so keep your eyes peeled.

Have a nice day! I know I will.

- Hikarian

Posted by Hikarian - August 16th, 2012

Auditions closed! I've received just about 20 demo reels in the matter of this one day, so I think I'll end it at that. Sorry if I haven't gotten back to you all. You know how it is. Those who've gotten a role have been contacted.

Hello there, Hikarian here!

It's been a while since I entered NATA, and it was quite fun as long as it lasted. I stand here today because a new animation competition has turned up. NMAE is the name. Now, it's a little out of nowhere, but I thought that it was so fun being in NATA, that I wouldn't mind trying another contest of a little smaller scale.
So, the open round theme is "The Hidden Door", and I've already put together a little script and storyboard. I wanted to try something a little different this time around, so what I plan on doing is making a horror movie trailer-kind-of-thing. And for this I need voice actors. And fast, since I wish to put together the soundtrack before I make the actual animation. The characters I need are:

Little girl: Voice type: light
(only has one line.)

Young woman: Voice type: medium

Young man: Voice type: medium-light

If you wish to help me, go ahead and send me your voice demo reel, and I will get back to you if I think you have a voice I can use. If you have any further questions that you feel you need answers to, you can either pm me or contact me on skype: Hikarian002.
Should I choose you to voice for one or more of these characters, I will send you the script as well as the relevant storyboard, to give you an idea of the mood and facial expressions.

The deadline for the animation is September 20. I will stop this quickly thrown together audition once I have the voices I need.

Thank you for your cooperation!

Need Voice Actors - Quick!

Posted by Hikarian - July 9th, 2012

Hi there people!

This is pretty much just an update post, here to tell you that my website redesign is finally done. About time. Anyways, though I know that it's far from perfect, I would love to get some feedback on it, so go right ahead and write some nonsense in the comment section below if you like!

Other than that, there's not many news. I've been thinking about just what I want to animate next, and I believe that I'm very close to the answer. I've been trying to learn how to work with TVPaint and After Effects lately, so I think I'll make a project in those two programs. Who knows, with the new Newgrounds video upload-option I may even be able to upload an animation that doesn't lag..?

This is just about the standard I'll be going for with my next video: